Ziua comuna de actiune 2009

Saptamana Nationala a Participarii Active a Tinerilor


Ziua comuna de actiune

24 octombrie 2009



            Detalii scenice: unul din voluntarii vine cu intarziere la ziua de joaca (dupa ce se face jocul de nume).

Motivul intarzierii: a primit un mail de la un prieten si a stat sa il printeze pentru ca ar fi interesant sa puna in aplicare ceea ce a aflat

Materiale: foaie cu mesajul printat

Mesajul: <<Draga X (numele celui care citeste),

A inceput scoala si deja sunt foarte ocupat sa invat lucuri noi. Mi-e atat de dor sa stau toata ziua si sa vorbim pe mess sau sa ne jucam jocuri online sau…. stii bine toate jocurile pe care le jucam.

Am aflat insa ceva interesant. In data de 25 octombrie (face o pauza din citit, si catre copii spune: Adica azi!) se fac activitati in intrega tara in acelasi timp. E atat de interesat sa stii ca si alte persoane fac ceea ce faci si tu in acel moment. (Tot catre copii: Oare se joaca pe calculator?)

Actiunea se petrece afara din casa (tot catre copii: Deci nu ne jucam pe calculator L ) in grupuri de tineri care se intalnesc si fac activitati impreuna. Stiai ca asta se numeste participare activa? (Super tare, vreau si eu J )

Daca ti se pare interesant sa stii ca ai lista cu activitatile care le fac toti. Deja am vorbit si cu Mirela de la Medgidia, Ioana din Bacau, Alina de la Resita, Diana din Bucuresti, Camelia de la Falticeni, … si multe alte persoane si noi o sa facem activitatile. Sper ca si tu!

Multa bafta!    

                                                                       Cu prietenie,


Sfrasitul povestirii: X catre participanti „Facem si noi acum activitatile care le fac si ceilalti in toata tara?”

Si incep jocurile propriu-zise. Ca sa vedeti explicatia jocurilor dati click pe numele lor. Va aparea pagina de internet cu explicatia, materialele de care aveti nevoie si alte informatii utile.

Jocuri obligatorii:

  1. Vreau sa fiti un Frankenstein
  2. Baloane surpriza
  3. Bostanii / tablou din natura

Jocuri la alegere:

  1. Ursul, pestele, tantarul
  2. Zambetul stelutei
  3. Ridica si tipa
  4. Sirul de urmaritori
  5. Atentie unde esti?
  6. Stafeta
  7. Berta grasana
  8. Prinsa in doi
  9. Curentul electric
  10. Pache tu me papa

Ce e ZCA? http://aglt.wordpress.com/2009/10/05/ziua-comuna-de-actiune-zca/

GLT Golden Star

    This year GLT Golden Star celebrated their fifth year of play-days!

     It all started in august 2002, when some young people from Belgium organized a youth camp in Moldovita. With this camp they were trying to set up a local youth group, that was about to show teenagers and children a much better way to spend their free time.  With a lot of patience and work, after a few years of trying to find the right people able to continue what they, the Belgium people, were trying to teach in summer camps, in 2004 a real group took shape. So, in august 2004, after the camp, we succeed to organize our own first play-day.

         During the years,  we faced a lot of difficulties, we shared a lot of good things, there were ups and downs. In nowadays, Glt Golden Star doesn’t share the same fame they had in the past, because of the bad luck that doesn’t seem to let go, and one of the biggest problems is the little number of volunteers.

          Now, because Stefana had to continue her studies in other town, far from home, she put all her hopes and trust in the new head leader of the group, Anca Scutelnicu, which seem to take her leader role in serious.

Stefana: What was your feeling when you found out that you are about to take part to a camp that you know nothing about?

Anca: Well, emotions first… Also, i didn’t know much about AGLT… Before we got to the place where the camp was, you told me a few things about life in Aglt, and I found it interesting, but little did I know….

Stefana: What was your opinion after the camp?

Anca: Ohh… well… I don’t think I could describe in words what I felt… this camp changed me a lot … I met new people, made new friend, friends for life, that help me every time I need an advise . The camp was one of the best experiences of my life.

Sanatef: What was your reaction when I asked you to continue what I’ve started?

Anca: “ Ha?! Me?! Why?? … I felt like “why me?”.

Stefana: Because u seem like the right person for this “job”. So??

Anca: I was glad… honestly I didn’t expect it and, the next second, I told myself “wow, I hope I can get at least near to the level you guys were once”.

Stefana: Do you think that you can manage all the difficulties and challenges you will face? And also not taking all the bad things that could discourage you personal? I mean… what will you do when, sometimes, everybody will be against you and you’ll be the only one that will have to demonstrate them that they are wrong?

Anca: It’s a hard question and I think that I will find most of the answers in time, but, despite that, even if my life in Aglt just started, I already faced some obstacles. First, it came from my parents because they don’t understand what am I doing and how will this help me in future. Secondly, the problem was about volunteers. You told me how hard it will be to find new volunteers, but I didn’t think it could be that hard.  Even if we are 4, we are not a family, not even close. The others always expect me to do the entire job, BUT, even so, I like very much what I do, and these kind of things won’t make me loose my ambition and determination.

Stefana: Glad to hear that! Do you have a plan in mind to make the group “shine” again, like the real golden star?

Anca:   Yes, there are two great ideas: the first one came from the both of us, about the play-days calendar, organized every two weeks, with attractive themes that will bring the excitement, so that, in this way we can get back to the old number of children that once existed on the play-days. And the second is one of my ideas.

Stefana: Tell me more about this idea!!

Anca: Well… I was thinking about a recruitment campaign in high-school, with the teachers support by giving me their agreement to organize it inside the school, during classes I hope.

Stefana: What is this campaign about?

Anca: The campaign is pointed to 9’th and 10’th grades students. I will show them a power point presentation about Aglt also with photos from camps and play-days, hoping that after it, those who are interested will come at a play-day and choose to become a part of the group.

Stefana: Well, not bad at all! I will try to help you in every possible way I can! I hope you will remain as confident as you are now and that nothing in this world will discourage you!!! And what else can I say more than… GOOD LUCK!!!

Anca: Thank you… I will be confident and I promise you all that I will do my best to bring our little golden star above the AGLT sky where it belongs!!!!!