Pentru cei interesati exista anunturi despre cursuri de formare/ schimburi de experienta pe platforma europeana SALTO. Pentru mai multe informatii click pe numele cursului si apoi completati aplicatia de selectie.

Pentru a aplica la aceste cursuri e necesar sa va creati un cont pe SALTO. Limba de lucru in cadrul cursurilor si seminariilor este LIMBA ENGLEZA, in cazul in care nu se mentioneaza o alta limba de circulatie internationala. Selectia pentru aceste evenimente este realizata de organizatiile din tara in care are loc activitatea, AGLT avand ca scop doar diseminarea informatiilor. Totusi, in cazul in care doriti ca delegarea sa fie din partea organizatiei, va recomandam sa ne contactati la

 Ofertele sunt in ordinea deadline-ului de realizarea a aplicatiei de inscriere:

New Perspective on Employability, Training Course 4-12 September 2016 | Slovak Republic

New Perspective on Employability” is innovative training course for those who want to increase chances of young people on the labour market. We will explore how to support young people on their journey using coaching methods.

Application deadline: 1 June 2016

Link for this training offer is

Does Culture Matter?Training Course 22-28 July 2016 | Bali, INDONESIA

This training will enable you to successfully communicate with people coming from different cultures and improve your team management skills in intercultural environment. NOTE: the training is not funded by Erasmus+ programme, and is fee based.

Application deadline: 1 June 2016


Project Factory – Training course to develop cross-sectorial projects for youth at risk and in NEET situation, Training Course 17-22 October 2016 | Riga, Latvia

Training course on cross-sectorial project development, involving and targeting youth at risk and in NEET situation.

Application deadline:12 June 2016

Link for this training offer is

TYE – Tools for Youth Exchanges, Training Course 10-16 October 2016 | Dublin, Ireland

A Youth Exchange needs content – behind the content there are tools: This training helps to explore tools around group processes, (intercultural) learning, involvement of young people and more.

Application deadline: 14 June 2016

Link for this training offer is

Another extraordinary Experience. ARGONAUTIKA, Partnership-building Activity 18-25 September 2016 |Georgia

The activity aims to create strong ties among participating EVS coordinators and their EVS organisations as well as at the same time to learn about EVS realities in Georgia. Concept of the activity is built on idea of experiential learning and travelling.

Application deadline: 30 June 2016

Link for this training offer is

EVS NEWCOMERS CONTACT MAKING SEMINAR, Partnership-building Activity 20-25 August 2016 |Málaga, Spain

Has your organization just been accredited as EVS org and you don’t know how to find EVS partners? Are you a sending org searching for good projects for your candidates or a host org wishing to receive good volunteers and not to have surprises? Yes?

Application deadline: 3 July 2016

Link for this training offer is

TOOL FAIR XI – #ReadyfortheRoad, Conference 7-12 November 2016 | Malta

Tool Fair XI will focus on „Tools for Solidarity and Inclusion” through innovative youth work approaches to reach out and support young people at risk of marginalisation and social exclusion, including young people with a migrant or refugee background.

Application deadline:9 July 2016

Link for this training offer is

ATOQ SK – Advanced Training on Quality in Slovakia, 6-11 September 2016

ATOQ training course aim at increasing quality within youth exchanges. Based on previous exchanges, an international group of youth workers will focus on quality aspects and improve management competences in order to raise quality of future exchanges.

Application deadline: 9 July 2016


Youthpass Tools for Employability, Training 10-16 September 2016 | Málaga, Spain

The TC aims to explore and experiment with tools linking the Youthpass process and the Human Resource Development learning and training cycles to support youth employability through strength-based approaches for personal and professional development.

Application deadline:10 July 2016

Link for this training offer is

The power of non formal education, Training 26 September – 1 October 2016 | Bretagne, France

Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE) Amplifier les retombées de l’Éducation Non Formelle, ses principes et méthodes, en affirmant le rôle des (jeunes) individus comme acteurs à part entière de la société civile (du local à l’Europe)

Application deadline: 22 July 2016

Link for this training offer is

Outdoor Education and Training course for delivering qualifications to NEET and Vulnerable young people, Training 3-7 October 2016 | United Kingdom

This course will equip participants with the skills, knowlege and activities necessary to run a series of programmes outdoors specifically aimed at helping NEET and vulnerable young people to thrive, and go on to access education and employment.

Application deadline: 20 August 2016

Link for this training offer is

SOHO – European Training Course for EVS Support People, 18-22 October 2016 | Italy

SOHO aims at enhancing quality of EVS projects through development of essential competences of support persons. It also provides up-to-date information to its participants on the opportunities given by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme.

Application deadline: 28 August 2016

Link for this training offer is

SOHO – European Training Course for EVS Support People, 3-7 November 2016 | Portugal

SOHO aims at enhancing quality of EVS projects through development of essential competences of support persons. It also provides up-to-date information to its participants on the opportunities given by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme.

Application deadline: 18 September 2016

Link for this training offer is

BiTriMulti (BTM) – Multilateral Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges, 22-26 November 2016 | United Kingdom

The aim of the BiTriMulti course is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects;especially newcomers to this field

Application deadline:25 September 2016
Link for this training offer is

TICTAC – Multilateral Training Course to support quality in youth worker mobility activities under Erasmus+ Youth in Action,13-19 November 2016 | Spain

TICTAC is targeted at voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders interested in using international cooperation to enhance their local development strategies, it supports designing quality Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme projects.

Application deadline: 2 October 2016

Link for this training offer is

SMS 2 “Show My Skills”, Training Course 24-30 November 2016 | Siwa Oasis, Egypt

Training course in the sunny Egyptian Oasis on leadership and event-management skills communicate through non-formal learning, intercultural and experiential learning and designed for highly motivated young people active in youth organizations.

Application deadline: 15 October 2016


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